05 February 2009

2nd Birthday in TAFS

One tradition that was held strongly in the office is celebrating any employee's birthday when it comes. It's a nice habit, keeps you away from all the hectic of work and makes you remember that you do have a life outside the office. Realizing the second part is essential in my office, considering how work life has infiltrated to personal life so extensively. One thing I definetely learned in the office is the fact that the theory of segregating work life and personal life is easier said than done. It might not be the case in other offices, but then again, comparison brings nothing to change the way things are done in my office.

In most cases, birthday parties are done in a suprise manner where the employee is in a situation where he/she is not expecting a nice cake (with side dishes most of the time) is delivered by his/her peers while singing "Happy Birthday". But, as I said before, it happens in most cases but not all cases. My 2nd birthday in TAFS is no surprise at all. January 24th happened to be on Saturday, so by the time I got into the office (which was on January 27th) the Birthday is already a news in the past. However, out of no where, my reliable comrade RRE explicitly stated that on January 28th 2009 a "surprise" birthday party will be held for me. Now, I think I'm pretty certain that the definition of "Surprise" has not changed over the past several hundred years.
What was going on in my smart, but rather eccentric, comrade is something beyond my logical understanding. But then again, it's the thought that counts...

So, my second birthday turned out to be an "intentionally expected" surprise, thanks to my good lad RRE. Well, no need to hassle. I'm going to miss her anyway after I leave my company and I'm not very sure that my next company will even hold such birthday in the future...

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