I watched the movie last Sunday, and the movie turned out to be one of the most unforgettable movies I have ever seen. The movie was based on a novel created by F Scott Fitzgerald, and although the setting and story are altered in certain way by David Fincher, the essence of the novel is still quite strong in the movie (of course this sensation can only be tasted by those that have read the novel).
Benjamin Button was borned in the end of the Great War (world war one) in the Button family. He was borned differently, a baby in the physical form of an 80 years old man. His father, Thomas Button disown him and intended to delete the baby from the face of this earth. But, through a series of fortunate events, Benjamin was saved and catered by Queenie. The strange thing was, and of course this is the core idea of the movie, as Benjamin grew older, his body has become younger. Queenie, who Benjamin regarded as his mother, only told him that he is only slightly different from other people and that he, no matter how he looks, is a miracle. Benjamin spent his childhood in the elderly home, accompanied by the elders who never thought of him as anything different.
The movie went on from how Benjamin met his very first love, Daisy, and his journey outside the house. He went for a job as a sailor in a tug boat, encountered his first love affair, attacked by a German U Boat and sunk the U Boat at the same time, met Daisy again and fell in love, and finally, had a daughter. He intentionally let go his family due to fact that Benjamin would only get younger and younger an at the same time Daisy would have to cope with "2 children" at the same time. The movie ended with Benjamin died in the form of a baby and with Alzheimer desease.
The resume that I wrote above can not represent the true story of the movie, nor the depth of the story. It touched my heart in a way that is hard for me to describe. There was a sense of happiness, but also sadness. There was a sense of pitty and envy at the same time. This is one movie that I can't label as a good movie, nor a bad one, for I'm still confused on how I react to this particular movie. However, this is one of those movies that leaves a long impression in your heart and unforgettable for a very long long time...
Conclusion: WATCH IT!!!
Benjamin Button was borned in the end of the Great War (world war one) in the Button family. He was borned differently, a baby in the physical form of an 80 years old man. His father, Thomas Button disown him and intended to delete the baby from the face of this earth. But, through a series of fortunate events, Benjamin was saved and catered by Queenie. The strange thing was, and of course this is the core idea of the movie, as Benjamin grew older, his body has become younger. Queenie, who Benjamin regarded as his mother, only told him that he is only slightly different from other people and that he, no matter how he looks, is a miracle. Benjamin spent his childhood in the elderly home, accompanied by the elders who never thought of him as anything different.
The movie went on from how Benjamin met his very first love, Daisy, and his journey outside the house. He went for a job as a sailor in a tug boat, encountered his first love affair, attacked by a German U Boat and sunk the U Boat at the same time, met Daisy again and fell in love, and finally, had a daughter. He intentionally let go his family due to fact that Benjamin would only get younger and younger an at the same time Daisy would have to cope with "2 children" at the same time. The movie ended with Benjamin died in the form of a baby and with Alzheimer desease.
The resume that I wrote above can not represent the true story of the movie, nor the depth of the story. It touched my heart in a way that is hard for me to describe. There was a sense of happiness, but also sadness. There was a sense of pitty and envy at the same time. This is one movie that I can't label as a good movie, nor a bad one, for I'm still confused on how I react to this particular movie. However, this is one of those movies that leaves a long impression in your heart and unforgettable for a very long long time...
Conclusion: WATCH IT!!!
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